Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Book Two of the Premonition Series

Intuition by Amy A Bartol

Intuition (The Premonition, #2)What is it about? (good reads description)

   I don’t open my eyes so I can’t see him, but I can smell him. He thickens the air I breathe, choking me with his scent…his aroma. I shiver. I have to resist. If I’m not strong, then I will be relegated to the same fate as this predator whose sickness infects me even now. But now, I crave him and he knows that; he has been counting on my need to end the gnawing pain. How he would savor my surrender. I’m alive, but how much longer will it take until I beg him not to be?

What did I think?

I loved it! I love this series! The way Amy writes is perfect. The last author whose series of books I read were good but this series.. the drama, the chase and the fights it is all so great! I couldn't stop reading the entire time. Not to mention the sexual tension between the characters. Ah, I'm in heaven. Or no, I mean I'm in Paradise! 

   Evie is still trying to figure out what exactly she is but now the Divine angels know about her. In order to try and save the angel's that have become her family, her and Russel run. Living on their own they are trying to control their evolving while hiding from the divine, the fallen, Reed. But now there is a new foe to hide from, vampire like fairies! What?! its so crazy. Evie is a magnet for drama.
   Last time when I talked about the first book I started talking about the rank of angels. I haven't been able to figure out the exact order of ranks but I'm getting a clearer idea. Here is my latest guess from top to bottom:
  • Seraphim- Red hawk like wings (they are god's right hand, the highest of the angels)
  • Cherubim- Blue hawk like wings (Guardian to souls in paradise, keep records about sins)
  • Power Angels- Grey, green and brown hawk like wings (Soldiers/ Warriors)
  • Arch Angels- White hawk like wings (Watchers of humans)
  • Reapers- Colorful insect like wings (Reap the souls of humans. Divine reapers (butterfly wings) take them up to paradise (heaven), fallen reapers (dragonfly wings) take them down to Sheol (hell)
I have also come across a Virtue Angel and Nephilim in the book.. I am not sure where they fit into the ranking yet but here's what I do know:
  • Virtue Angel- Brown, cream and caramel owl like wings (Assists with miracles from prayers and bestows gods blessing)
  • Nephilim- White hawk like wings (half male Arch Angel and half of a human woman) Evil giant creatures with no soul. God destroyed them by creating the great flood.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Book One of the Premonition Series

Inescapable by Amy A Bartol

Inescapable (The Premonition, #1)What is it about? 

   My name is Evie Claremont and this was to be the making of me–my freshman year of college. I’d been hoping that once I’d arrived on Crestwood’s campus, the nightmare that I’ve been having would go away. It hasn’t.
   I may be an inexperienced seventeen-year-old, but I’m grounded…sane. I look for rational explanations to even the strangest circumstances. Since meeting sophomore Reed Wellington, however, nothing makes any sense. Whenever he’s near, I feel an attraction to him–a magnetic kind of force pulling me towards him. I know what you’re thinking…that sounds fairly awesome. Yeah, it would be…if he liked me, but Reed acts as if I’m the worst thing that has ever happened to Crestwood…or him. But get this, for some reason every time I turn around he’s there, barging into my life.
   What is the secret that he’s keeping from me? I’m hoping that it’s anything but what I suspect: that he’s not exactly normal…and neither am I. So, maybe Crestwood won’t be the making of me, but it could be the breaking of me. I’ve been left to wonder if the dark future my dream is foretelling is…inescapable.

What did I think?

   I loved it! Maybe it's just because I am a sucker for these kinds of books, but I have read a few paranormal romances involving angels, and I think this series it one of my favorites! (so far at least) If you liked the Twilight series or the Significance series you will probably like this series as well.

Here's what happened in the first book. Spoilers ahead.
   Evie Claremont is starting her first year Crestwood University. Upon arrival she meets her soul mate, Russel. (an adorable country boy, oh how I love my country!) She also meets Reed, a boy she can't help but be drawn too no matter how much he tries to make her leave. Thus start the love triangle. 
   Reed knows there is more to Evie than even she is aware of. He has never seen another creature like her, the only problem is he can't decide if he wants to kill her or protect her. 
   The first book is all about Evie and the beginning of her transformation. She's part human part angel, and has inhabited the best parts of both species, a divine being with a soul. Having a soul makes her a target for all angels, the good angels don't understand her and the fallen angels want what she has. She falls into a trap when her so called best friend threatens the life of Russel. Evie tries to heal him before he completely fades, but by doing so she takes on his injuries. Which leaves us with these questions.
  1. Can she heal from the life threatening injuries Russel sustained
  2. If she lives, who will she choose the angel or the soul mate
  3. If she lives, what are the consequences for saving anothers life. 
   Something I really like about this book is that it breaks up angels into different levels. Just like our military has different ranks, so do angels. Cool!
So far I have seen:
Reapers (the lowest rank for angels) 
Cherubs (I haven't seen any in the book yet, but I swear Reed mentioned them)
Archangels and Power Angels (Can't recall which was higher rank, I think Archangels are higher??)
Sepharim (The closest to god and the highest ranking angel)

Well that's all for now!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Existance Trilogy books 2 and 3

Existence (Volume 1)  So, I am going to take two books and put them into one post because.. well it's my post so I can! :p Also,I read the books back to back, so I would probably mix them up a little. I liked the books, they were easy reads and the characters were fun and easy to like! ... but and yes there is a but coming. There were a few things I really didnt like. I will explain those in a little bit, first let me tell you what the books are about.

Book Two Predestined and what its about:

Predestined (Existence) (Volume 2)  You would think after helping save her boyfriend from an eternity in Hell that things would go back to normal. Well, as normal as life can be when you can see souls and your boyfriend is Death. But for Pagan Moore, things are just getting weirder.
  The high school quarterback and reigning heartthrob, Leif Montgomery, is missing. While the town is in a frenzy of worry, Pagan is a nervous wreck for other reasons. Apparently good ‘ol Leif isn’t your average teenage boy. He isn’t even human. According to Death, Leif doesn’t have a soul. The quarterback may have skipped town but he’s still showing up in Pagan’s dreams... uninvited.
  Dank has known from the beginning Leif wasn’t human. But he hadn’t worried about a simple soulless creature. Now, he realizes he made a grave mistake. Pagan’s soul has been marked since birth as a restitution, to a spirit so dark not even Death walks near it. Dank knows saving Pagan’s soul won’t be easy but Pagan is his. And he’s already proven he’ll defy Heaven to keep her. If Hell wants a piece of him too, then bring it on.

Book Three Ceaseless and what its about:

Ceaseless   Can he make her fall in love with him… again? When Pagan Moore proved worthy of Death’s devotion, he was given the gift of getting to keep her.  But Dank was never promised that Pagan would keep him. When a soul is created, so is its mate. In every lifetime those souls find each other. They complete the other’s destiny. It’s time for Pagan’s soul to choose if she truly wants an eternity at Death’s side or if she wants the mate created just for her. Dank didn’t think he had to worry about her choice. He knew where her heart belonged. Until he realized that every kiss, every touch, every moment of their time together would be washed from her memories. He would have to win her heart all over again and prove to her soul that he was where she belonged. If only her soul’s mate wasn’t right there standing in his way.

So here's what I thought..

  They were good reads. It's so nice when you find easy reads where you love the characters. That's all great but, here's where I had a problem. Abbi Glines would have the perfect build up for something amazing and then all of a sudden it was over. There were no big fights, no edge of your seat pages turners, just "oh my gosh this is going to be horribly awesome" and then oh hey it's done. All that build up for the villains or the drama to just go away at the drop of a hat.
The love triangles that these books create are amazing! But again, you expect some kind of big blow out and it just.. resolves itself effortlessly. You're stuck hoping for something good for the other person and they just move on with their life as if they were never bothered.
I just wish it had more blow outs I guess. I like the drama and I wished these books had more.

Well, that's all for now.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Transitioning From the Cold Winter Slump

...and I'm back!

 So sorry for the time away. I had just been in some kind of strange mood where I just didn't want to do anything but eat, work, sleep and repeat. I shut out my friends, I shut out my family and I had just been a complete bum. Poor Ryan, I feel bad for him for having to deal with that nonsense. The worst part was I knew how I was acting and yet I couldn't find the drive to change it. I knew that I was being ridiculous and that just made me more upset and caused me to shut down more.

 Well I decided to make a change. I needed to get out of this funk and force myself to move, so I decided to try and focus on completing the 21 Day Fix. Today was my day 1 and so far im going strong!

This is not a diet. It is simply portion control and it comes with a great workout! They give you containers (color coded for different food groups) and a Shakeology Shaker Cup.

Explanation behind the colors:
Green- Veggies
Purple- Fruits
Red- Protiens
Yellow- Carbs
Blue- Healthy Fats
Orange- Seeds and Dressings
Shakeology Shaker Cup- Drinks

I didn't buy the Shakeology program. The DVD set that I bought just included the cup. I am using it for water and breakfast smoothies.

I really think this is going to be good for me. First off, being healthy never hurt anyone. Second off, it will give me a goal and give me something to keep my mind on instead of wondering to deep dark places. I am so ready to be out of this funk and 21 day fix will be my fix! :)
