Friday, February 13, 2015

Water's importance, contribution to weight loss and preservation


What is the importance of water

Every system in your body depends on water. Your brain is made up of 95% water, your blood is 82% water and your lungs are 90%.

Not only does your system survive off it but so do plants and animals! Everything we eat in order to survive also needs it. So simply put without water, all life forms cease to exist.

How can something so small be so easily forgotten??

Mini science lesson over.

Here is a little fun fact about water and weight loss and the reason why I am bringing this up today!

If you are trying to loose weight, water is the best tool you have available to you.
Drinking two 8oz glasses of water before each meal has been proven in multiple studies to help with weight lose. Water doesn't just help before meal time, it also helps curve hunger and steer you a way from unneeded snacking.  Most people actually confuse thirst with hunger, so before you destroy that amazing bag of salty greasy potato chips, down a bottle of water instead. If you don't like plain water, try jazzing it up by adding a tea bag. If you don't like tea, you can buy flavored water. Why take in those extra calories when all you really needed was a nice glass of some cool refreshing water??

Another fun tip: try adding lemon to your water.
  1. it boosts your energy!
  2. it tastes really good! :)
(thanks Stevon for reminding me about that!)

To find out more reason's that water helps with weight loss visit webmd


Not my main focus today but still really important! Preservation!

Water covers about 71% of the planet's surface and every minute that passes by a part of that water is being polluted. There are so many different way's that water gets polluted and we can't help with all of them. Please make sure you do your part and walk the extra few steps to a trash can instead of throwing trash on the ground or in a stream. While littering isn't the biggest cause for pollution, it's definitely not helping anything.

Just incase you were curious, The Mississippi River made the top 10 list of polluted rivers around the world in 2013. Here is a link to see the other rivers on the list top 10 polluted rivers in the world

According to treehugger the top 5 reasons for water pollution are:
  •  Sewage and Fertilizer- In small quantities, it breaks down naturally and doesn't harm water at all, but in large quantities it depletes the amount of oxygen in the water. When too much oxygen is erased, the polluted area can't support sea life.
  • Acid Rain- The burning of fossil fuels releases compounds that interact with the H20 in the air, creating a modified version of the raindrop—one that includes nitric and sulfuric acid, which pollutes the water and ground that's affected by the rain. 
  • Non- point Sources- All water pollution happens in one of two ways: via non-point or point systems. Non-point pollution comes from indirect sources, like agricultural runoff, mining waste, paved roads, and industrial activity
  • The Oil Industry- From rigs that are compromised by foul weather (like those on the Gulf Coast) to barges that have accidental spills, the damage is never intentional, but it's still one of the major dangers facing clean water and marine life.
  • Heat- Discharging hot water while cooling power plants means changing the temperature of the water source, which can encourage the species density to change and alter the biology of the water. Thermal pollution, then, can be just as damaging as bacterial or sediment pollution.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Book Talk

17316770 ADD All Around.

When one book doesn't keep you're interest find another that does!

 Now don't get me wrong. I am still working on "From Deities" by Mary Ting. I think it could be a really good book and has everything there that would normally catch my interest. Something has just been up with my mood lately and I can't commit. Luckily for me my orders for Alienated and Invaded by Melissa Landers came in the mail!


What is Invaded About?

The romantic sequel to Alienated takes long-distance relationships to a new level as Cara and Aelyx long for each other from opposite ends of the universe...until a threat to both their worlds reunites them.

Cara always knew life on planet L’eihr would be an adjustment. With Aelyx, her L’eihr boyfriend, back on Earth, working to mend the broken alliance between their two planets, Cara is left to fend for herself at a new school, surrounded by hostile alien clones. Even the weird dorm pet hates her.

Things look up when Cara is appointed as human representative to a panel preparing for a human colony on L’eihr. A society melding their two cultures is a place where Cara and Aelyx could one day make a life together. But with L’eihr leaders balking at granting even the most basic freedoms, Cara begins to wonder if she could ever be happy on this planet, even with Aelyx by her side.

Meanwhile, on Earth, Aelyx, finds himself thrown into a full-scale PR campaign to improve human-L’eihr relations. Humans don’t know that their very survival depends on this alliance: only Aelyx’s people have the technology to fix the deadly contamination in the global water supply that human governments are hiding. Yet despite their upper hand, the leaders of his world suddenly seem desperate to get humans on their side, and hardly bat an eye at extremists’ multiple attempts on Aelyx’s life.

The Way clearly needs humans’ help . . . but with what? And what will they ask for in return?


I already read the first book but Melissa was having a deal for both books signed as soon as the second one went to print and I got them!!!!

 Like. That excited. No lie! lol

What do I Think?

I really liked the first book and so far the second is just as great. I am dyinggggg for Cara and Aelyx to be back together. In the first few pages ( I just got the book, haven't had a chance to read too far) They were getting ready for Aelyx to go back to Earth to mend the problems he and the other exchange L'eihr's had created. Just to make sure youre getting this. Aelyx is going to Cara's planet, Cara is going on to Aelyx's planet. What could go wrong?  Well at least Cara's brother is going to be with her. Oh! but lets throw another wrench in that plan.. Her brother is going back to Earth as well because of military orders.. so that leave's just her and a whole bunch of aliens...

I'm loving it so far! Thank you Melissa Landers for my new books!!! Can't wait to put them up in my reading nook I'm creating!!!


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Routine ADD // What I'm Doing Now

 Keeping up With Routines
OK, I started working out. Great! Starting isn't the problem keeping up with it consistently is. I took to here to write about everything I do, eat, buy, what ever. I am noticing a habit. I tend to start something, get bored and do something else. Maybe the reason nothing is working for me is because I give it a one, two try and then move on to the next idea. Granted I am working out so that's a plus and I know I need to work out different areas of my body consistently so maybe my ADD Workouts will help anyways?? I don't know. All I do know is as long as I keep moving and eating moderately healthy, I should be OK!

So, where does that put me now? What crazy workout am I attempting to establish at this current moment? HAHA. I decided forget this easy stuff that knocks the wind out of me. Who cares that I am out of shape, lets kick it into full gear! Oh yea.. I am picking up Insanity again.

I had done Insanity when I lived at my apartment a few years ago. I did it for a few months and it really helped! I stopped because well.. I am just not a fan of working out and I got to my goal weight so why continue to punish myself? haha. Oh yea, because it comes back! lol.

Here was what I did my first day back. Thanks Shaun T for kicking my butt!

First start off with the warm up. If its Insanity.. The warm up could be its own workout!!!
Second up is the fit test. Below is the move and how many I did for it.
  • Switch Kicks - 79
  • Power Squats - 24
  • Power Knees- 64 Right and 66 Left (he only does one leg, so we rewinded and did the other!)
  • Globe Jumps... I was dying soooo idk
  • Suicide Jumps - 15
  • Push ups - 20 (I apparently can't do them anymore! haha)
  • Low Plank Obliques - 24 each

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Book Talk Tuesday// From Deities

 From Deities by Mary Ting 

(Descendant Prophecies #2)

From Deities (Descendant Prophecies, #2)What was it about? 

A mysterious stranger enters Skylar’s inner circle, throwing her life out of balance. As secrets are revealed, she learns of the New Olympus; a dwelling for the descendants of the Gods. The Grand family must strive to work together with these descendants to discover the key to their rescue from the clutches of the growing evil vultures of Hades. As the threat increases, Skylar must learn to control her newfound powers before it’s too late.

What did I think?

I don't know what it is about books lately, but I have really been dragging my feet. I breezed through the first book of this series so fast. I loved it and I got hooked. I was hanging off every word written and this book... I don't know. I can't tell if I'm just not into the book, or if it's just my mood lately, but something is keeping me from going beyond the halfway mark and finishing it.

(spoilers beyond this point)

Skylar's dad is back! WHAT? The same man who left out of no where when she was a kid is back saying he loves her and wants to be apart of her life. That was a twist I wasn't expecting.  He says he left to save her, but now that he knows she is like him, he wants to help.

From Gods (Descendant Prophecies, #1)Not only is Skylar dealing with daddy issues, but her powers are evolving, and fast. I'm only just starting to scrape the surface of what is going on with her, but it sounds pretty crazy. I am hoping I will have more down time to sit and focus on this because I have faith in this book. I really do. We will see what happens!!!

here's a link to the first book of the series if you want to check it out!!

Well, that's all for now