Friday, February 13, 2015

Water's importance, contribution to weight loss and preservation


What is the importance of water

Every system in your body depends on water. Your brain is made up of 95% water, your blood is 82% water and your lungs are 90%.

Not only does your system survive off it but so do plants and animals! Everything we eat in order to survive also needs it. So simply put without water, all life forms cease to exist.

How can something so small be so easily forgotten??

Mini science lesson over.

Here is a little fun fact about water and weight loss and the reason why I am bringing this up today!

If you are trying to loose weight, water is the best tool you have available to you.
Drinking two 8oz glasses of water before each meal has been proven in multiple studies to help with weight lose. Water doesn't just help before meal time, it also helps curve hunger and steer you a way from unneeded snacking.  Most people actually confuse thirst with hunger, so before you destroy that amazing bag of salty greasy potato chips, down a bottle of water instead. If you don't like plain water, try jazzing it up by adding a tea bag. If you don't like tea, you can buy flavored water. Why take in those extra calories when all you really needed was a nice glass of some cool refreshing water??

Another fun tip: try adding lemon to your water.
  1. it boosts your energy!
  2. it tastes really good! :)
(thanks Stevon for reminding me about that!)

To find out more reason's that water helps with weight loss visit webmd


Not my main focus today but still really important! Preservation!

Water covers about 71% of the planet's surface and every minute that passes by a part of that water is being polluted. There are so many different way's that water gets polluted and we can't help with all of them. Please make sure you do your part and walk the extra few steps to a trash can instead of throwing trash on the ground or in a stream. While littering isn't the biggest cause for pollution, it's definitely not helping anything.

Just incase you were curious, The Mississippi River made the top 10 list of polluted rivers around the world in 2013. Here is a link to see the other rivers on the list top 10 polluted rivers in the world

According to treehugger the top 5 reasons for water pollution are:
  •  Sewage and Fertilizer- In small quantities, it breaks down naturally and doesn't harm water at all, but in large quantities it depletes the amount of oxygen in the water. When too much oxygen is erased, the polluted area can't support sea life.
  • Acid Rain- The burning of fossil fuels releases compounds that interact with the H20 in the air, creating a modified version of the raindrop—one that includes nitric and sulfuric acid, which pollutes the water and ground that's affected by the rain. 
  • Non- point Sources- All water pollution happens in one of two ways: via non-point or point systems. Non-point pollution comes from indirect sources, like agricultural runoff, mining waste, paved roads, and industrial activity
  • The Oil Industry- From rigs that are compromised by foul weather (like those on the Gulf Coast) to barges that have accidental spills, the damage is never intentional, but it's still one of the major dangers facing clean water and marine life.
  • Heat- Discharging hot water while cooling power plants means changing the temperature of the water source, which can encourage the species density to change and alter the biology of the water. Thermal pollution, then, can be just as damaging as bacterial or sediment pollution.

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