Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Routine ADD // What I'm Doing Now

 Keeping up With Routines
OK, I started working out. Great! Starting isn't the problem keeping up with it consistently is. I took to here to write about everything I do, eat, buy, what ever. I am noticing a habit. I tend to start something, get bored and do something else. Maybe the reason nothing is working for me is because I give it a one, two try and then move on to the next idea. Granted I am working out so that's a plus and I know I need to work out different areas of my body consistently so maybe my ADD Workouts will help anyways?? I don't know. All I do know is as long as I keep moving and eating moderately healthy, I should be OK!

So, where does that put me now? What crazy workout am I attempting to establish at this current moment? HAHA. I decided forget this easy stuff that knocks the wind out of me. Who cares that I am out of shape, lets kick it into full gear! Oh yea.. I am picking up Insanity again.

I had done Insanity when I lived at my apartment a few years ago. I did it for a few months and it really helped! I stopped because well.. I am just not a fan of working out and I got to my goal weight so why continue to punish myself? haha. Oh yea, because it comes back! lol.

Here was what I did my first day back. Thanks Shaun T for kicking my butt!

First start off with the warm up. If its Insanity.. The warm up could be its own workout!!!
Second up is the fit test. Below is the move and how many I did for it.
  • Switch Kicks - 79
  • Power Squats - 24
  • Power Knees- 64 Right and 66 Left (he only does one leg, so we rewinded and did the other!)
  • Globe Jumps... I was dying soooo idk
  • Suicide Jumps - 15
  • Push ups - 20 (I apparently can't do them anymore! haha)
  • Low Plank Obliques - 24 each

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