Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Book Four of the Premonition Series

Incendiary by Amy A Bartol

Incendiary (The Premonition, #4) What is it about? (good reads description)

   Cold, fine drops of rain fall softly on my cheeks as I emerge from the darkness of the ship's interior to the gray, overcast sky of the main deck. Pulling my dark pea coat tighter to my body, the wind lifts red tendrils of my hair. I walk slowly to the railing overlooking the water.

I catch my first sight of the Irish coastline; its craggy landscape makes me shiver in dread. I find it difficult to imagine now how the Gancanagh had made this their home for so long without anyone realizing it. The cold, moss-covered edifices practically scream their presence. As I study the shadows between the falling-down stone, I imagine creeping shapes of undead Faeries grasping the rock, waiting for our ship to draw nearer to their position.

Tipping my face up, I let the rain wash over me. It bathes away the frigid sweat of fear that has broken on my brow. "You don't know how fiercely beautiful you are, do you?" A quiet voice behind me asks, causing me to stiffen and fix my eyes on the rocks along the shoreline.

What did I think? (spoilers)

An aspire, a soul mate, an undead stalker, a forgotten lover, and a long lost father. Things are getting quite complicated.

There are so many new characters and side plots being introduced into this story it is crazy! But I think its a good kind of crazy! Where should I even begin. Reed is well Reed. Powerful and breathtaking. Russel is just as loveable as before but now hes stronger and more attractive. Brennus is still crazy and evil but I still have hope he will turn it around because I love the clan! And now as if those all weren't enough now there is a forgotten lover as well. Xavier was to be Evie's Aspire after she returned from this mission. She remembers nothing of him but he knows everything about her. I feel bad for him honestly. Of coarse I am rooting for reed, but that's because he has been here the whole time. Lastly, we have Evie's dad. He is beyond powerful and in charge of a majority of the angels. The one he cant control is of coarse Evie, she has her own plans and if you haven't figured it out yet by book four. She does what she wants.

 I can't wait for book five to be out. From what I have read on a bunch of different blogs I could be waiting a long time. Book four was published November 28th, 2012. But I'm crossing my fingers and hoping it will be out soon. I know Bartol doesn't want to rush the fifth book and all butttt come on. I'm dying here.

Oh we had another Angel thrown into the Mix. Russel has an Aspire he forgot about as well. Shes not just any Angel, no Anya is a Thrown (karma). Go figure!
Thats all for now

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