Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Two Weeks Down!

I am still sticking with the 21 Day Fix Extreme and I love it!!! I mean come on, a week and a half in I had already lost 6 pounds. As of today, I am down another 4 putting me at total 10 pounds lost!!!

 I couldn't be happier. It a lot of work but I'm enjoying it. I will say I am not doing it 100% how I should but it still seems to be working. Heres how I am using the program:
  • Workout each morning before work. (30 minute workout is sooo much easier to fit in than a 60 minute workout)
  • Make a breakfast smoothie with 1 scoop protein powder. (mine normally include frozen strawberries, banana, almond milk, chocolate protein powder and occasionally cinnamon and/or flax seeds)
  • 5-6 small meals a day (one is my smoothie) 
    • I'm eating healthier. Less bread, pasta and cheese and a lot more salads. (not cutting out anything completely! I still need my chocolate fixes, just more controlled)
    • I'm using my containers on weekends and dumping it out onto a plate. By doing that I have a better understanding of portion control. Which helps to carry over onto weekdays when I cant lug around all the containers.
  • Instead of driving to restaurants close by (within 2 miles) my husband and I will walk to them!
That's all for now. I will let you know how it goes after this week! 

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