Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sex on the First Date

Double Standards.

First off I want to say that Elite Daily is a fantastic website! A bunch of writers come together and post about life, controversial subjects and random humorous videos for example..  adorable dogs dressed as teddy bears.
Sorry I had to add it, I love that picture :)
Now switching subjects completely... Here's what I really wanted to talk about, sex. More importantly having sex on the first date. In the article on Elite Daily, it was all about how this guy would like to go on a 2nd date with a girl who gave it up on the 1st.  Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with people who choose to do it right away versus people who wait. The reason I chose to bring this up is because it failed to mention that every one is different.

Whatever choice you make, make sure you are ready to deal with the consequences if things come out poorly. You will find yourself dealing with one or more of the following types of people:
  1. They don't want to wait, and won't judge if you give in, because they want it as badly as you do.
  2. They use your feelings to their advantage to get you into bed. They have the mentality of wam bam thank you ma'am, have a great life, and enjoy their one night stand.
  3. They refer to you as Mary like the Virgin Mary as a clever way to call you a prude to their friends. (Gilmore girls gave me that nickname idea. lol)
  4. They respect your choice to keep it at an amazing first date kiss.
  5. People who are not even in this little "bed sheet tango" secretly, or not so secretly judge you from a far.
 Here's where the double standards come into play. If you end up doing it, guys, you are gods gift to the world. The higher your number the bigger the prize for the girl who changes your ways and keeps you as their own. Girls you're either a lot of fun or a slut, congrats.
If you wait then the girl has self respect and is keeping it classy. If you're a guy, it goes one of two ways.. he's a gentleman OR there's clearly something wrong with him that he's hiding.. a small willy perhaps??
When it comes down to it, you need to focus on what you want and not what the other person wants. If you want to do it then let loose and have fun. If not then just wait. Its your choice, and whatever you choose, you are going to have to live with.
Reading this article, all I did was worry about the people who try to hold out on giving it up. I worry that they will take this one guys opinion and think its the opinion of everyone else out there. They will change their ways, give up something they weren't ready to give up in order to impress someone who might not have even been worth it. What if that one person they are trying to impress is the one night stand kind of person? They will be crushed and there is no way to get it back.
All I am trying to say is be smart. Make sure you do something you are mentally and physically ready to do. If you are not ready then wait. If you want to go for it, then go for it! Just be safe and have fun.
Well, that's all for now!

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