Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thousands of Spiders Hatching From Beanie Babies?!?

   That was a headline I came across while paroosing on facebook. Or rather is was 90's kids rejoice! The spider eggs they used to fill Beanie Babies are finally hatching.
   I'm sorry, but honestly, who would rejoice about this?? posted that the "long awaited day" of baby Brown Recluse spiders hatching from the spider eggs stuffed inside our beloved beanie babies is finally here. If you were anything like myself and my mother, then you bought right into the fad and went a little crazy collecting these little animals of all kinds. They said that the beanie babies served as a protective sac for two decades letting the little spiderlings pass through the larva stage and finally emerge. You could tell they were getting ready to bust out the seams when all of the little legs would poke out trying to break free. This thought terrified me.
   The way this article read, it just couldn't be real, so after a little more reading.. and then a lot more digging I was able to find on snopes that this was in fact a false claim. But still!! The idea that this could ever be true freaked the hell out of me! I was about ready to call my mom and insist she get rid of every single one she still had.
   There are just a few minor facts that clickhole may have over looked before posting this story.

  • Brown Recluse eggs hatch about a month after being laid- Orkin
  • Beanie babies were never made with eggs. They are plastic pellets. (Besides accidentally breaking them by myself, my dogs have torn apart many. Its a nasty mess of beads to clean up)
  • Clickhole claims that the original 6 beanie babies are the only ones hatching spiders currently. With that said there are 9 original beanie babies created in 1993, not 6, and Peace (the bear pictured) wasn't one of them.
   So that was my morning.. Sorry if I terrified you with that headline, but it got me too and I just needed to share this mornings scare with you all! Well that's all for now

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