Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween! Put your face on and go crazy!

   Halloween is so much fun! This morning I did some festive makeup to set the mood for today at the office and prepared a mummy surprise for our potluck!!!
First, the makeup- I didn't go super crazy like I wanted to do. All I ended up with was a spider and its web, but I am happy with how it turned out! Personally I think it goes great with my headset... but that's just me. haha.
   I am still doing the $5 for $55 Mary Kay Makeup Give Away! I fixed the link, so if you saw it before and tried to comment. It is working now! So sorry about all the trouble with that before! Click this link to be sent to the Mary Kay Give Away page so you can enter! So far I only have three comments, so your odds of winning are great! I don't know why you wouldn't try. You don't have to put in any money to enter into the contest and if you randomly change your mind and your name is chosen, its not binding, you can forfeit your winning to the next person and they can get that awesome deal instead!!!  Go ahead and try! It's all in good fun and heck, who doesn't love makeup?! You can dress yourself up or be someone else for a day!
   Now, off the topic of makeup and onto another one I love so much! FOOD! We had our Halloween pot luck and I made little mini mummy hot dogs! Look how cute they are!
all you need are crescent rolls, mini hot dogs and a little bit of mustard for the glowing eyes! They are really easy to make and super cute! Here's what you do:
  •  set oven to 350
  • cut the crescent rolls into long thin strips. (as it gets shorter cut wider and roll it in your hands until its skinny and long)
  •  wrap the roll around the hot dog with ends touching, don't forget to skip a space to make room for the mummy face!
  • place three rows of five mummies onto a greased baking sheet and put in oven for 10 minutes or until gold and flaky
  • place on cooling rack and enjoy your spooky appetizer!
Halloween time is so much fun! Go out tonight, dress up, eat lots of candy/ junk food and go crazy! (with that said please also stay safe!)
Fake blood = Awesome
Real blood = Not so much!
Happy Halloween everyone, I hope your night is filled with lots of tricks and even more treats!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Mary Kay Give Away

Makeup. I love makeup!! In honor of Halloween, one of the few days you are allowed to go absolutely crazy with it, I am going to be doing a giveaway for $45 worth of products.
The items I have assembled for this giveaway are:
    1. A Mary Kay Mascara (either Love Lash or Ultimate)
    2. A Mary Kay at Play lip balm (any color)
    3. A Mary Kay CC Cream (coverage + SPF 15!)
These three items are all you need to make a quick on the go look and still look fabulous! I am going to cover the cost for the makeup and the taxes, all you need to pay is $5 towards the shipping (normally $7), and you're good to go! With all of that put together this order comes to a total of $55. Wait... What?? $5 for a $55 order?! What deal is better than that?! You don't pay anything until your name is chosen, so what is the harm in entering?? To enter just leave a comment at the bottom of this post! I will re post this a few times and pick an entry once I get back to my desk on Monday!
Want to order, but you don't like what is offered in this give away? Go to my website and you can place your order online! Mary Kay Official Website! Once you are on the site, click the ECATALOG tab and check out all of the different products Mary Kay offers!
Well that's all for now, good luck everyone!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Book Talk Tuesday- Far From Home

Far From Home (Home, #2)   So, today I am talking strictly about book two of the Home Series. Far From Home is such a good book! It's had me on ups and downs and I keep getting so sucked into the characters problems. Normally I would have already finished this book by now, but I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off lately. We have been busy at work with a bunch of new employees to train, at home we've been decorating for Halloween and partaking in the good ol' Halloween festivities and so on and so forth. But I digress. Today is not about me and what I've done, no, today is about this book and what it has done to me.
What is it about?
   When Riley Regas moved from Boston to the small town of Carver, Kansas, she never expected the turn her life would take. She never thought she could be happy in Carver, especially after the betrayal she endured at the hands of someone she thought she loved. She was wrong. It’s been six months since everything changed. Six months since Jesse stepped in and saved her. Six months since she realized she’d been in love with Jesse all along. Six months of happiness and Riley can’t wait to take the next step in her life with Jesse at her side. But one night changes everything and the life she envisioned with Jesse is turned upside down.
Jesse has always been there for Riley, and now it’s her turn to be there for him. Will the love they fought so hard to find be strong enough to see them through this or will it ultimately tear them apart?
What I thought?
   Bravo to Megan Nugen Isbell, she makes such relatable characters it's difficult not to get sucked right in. In Far From Home, you experience loss, heartbreak, emotional situations beyond belief. These characters are only 18 and the situations they have been thrown into are so extreme.
Spoilers coming- Jesse's dad is all he has, his mom left when he was a toddler and besides his uncle, its just him and his father. In a tragic car accident, Jesse's uncle is sent to the hospital and his dad is dead on impact. Jesse, who just became a legal adult, is now on his own to deal with the house, the bills, his fathers business, and not to mention his own life. He's about to leave for school in a few months, how is he supposed to take care of all of this and go to classes? Jesse's struggle with his depression and how it affects his relationships are the main focuses in this book. First he pushes everyone away (including Riley, the girl he fought so hard to get.) Then he gets jealous when she hangs out with male friends. Its a constant up and down struggle. He tries to numb himself by drinking and only manages to make things worse. At what point is "sorry" not enough?
   Now if you happened to read my previous post about imagination you would see what an impact Jesse and Rileys relationship and struggles have had on me. I not only start crying at the situations they are forced to deal with, but get angry at the world around me for not understanding how sad this story is. I'm still only about halfway through, so I may send out another update on this book once I finish, but as of right now I love it!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Enter The Forest... If You Dare!


I can honestly say, I don't think I have ever been so scared in my life.
   At Markoff's Haunted Forest there are two trails you can take into the woods. Trail # 1 features monsters and trail #2 features a playful clown lair. I was told both are equally as terrifying, but in having a clown phobia, my husband thought trail #2 would be a amusing. So, clown lair we go.
   The group I went with was myself, two of my best friends (Holly and Kayla) and Ryan. Poor, poor Ryan.. When I am one of the two bravest people in the group, you know you're in trouble. Upon entering it looked so cool! Picture any movie/tv's show epic bon fire party add some scremo music, zip lines and food stands and you're in the waiting line to enter the forest.
   If you enjoy be jumped at, chased, grabbed, heckled and scared beyond your wits then this is the perfect place for you! When we were walking through the woods we reached a turn in the trail and all of a sudden there was a clown walking past us. Now when I say clown picture American Horror Story clown. Creepiest face I have ever seen, He looked straight forward, ignored us until he was completely past our group of four, stopped dead in his tracks, slowly turned around until he and I made eye contact and took off running. I'm sorry not running, he sprinted as fast as he possibly could coming straight towards me. I don't know if I have ever pivoted and ran so fast in my life.
Clearly I am the only smart one in my group who thinks a creepy clown walking past us is not normal because no one else was paying attention. As soon as I started screaming and running towards them, they quickly caught on. Another part that really freaked me out was like a scene from Texas Chainsaw Massacre. These three guys throughout this old creepy house were dressed up like bloody butchers. I got cornered by two of them. Granted the chainsaws have no chain on them so they can't actually hurt me, but still. It was freaky! I think one of them pitied how scared I got so he decided to take a comical approach and started backing it up on my and singing.. then I laughed but yea. This place is terrifying. With that said. I loved it! I would definitely reccomend this place to others. Such a fun and terrifying night!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Kid at Heart- Disney

Do you want to build a snowman?
   Last night my Mom treated me to a mother daughter outing to see Disney on Ice presents Frozen!
   It was adorable! I loved it! She had never seen the movie, but the show did a great job explaining everything for her. I am almost positive we were the only adults there without any children, but that's OK! haha. We're all kids at heart :)
   Its such a great story about making sacrifices for the good of others and the power of love! Disney has a great way of lifting up a people's spirits and teaching them a valuable lesson. Here are just a few examples of the lessons I have learned-
  • Snow White: Kindness. Snow White helped others above herself, she found dwarfs in the woods and used her skills to help them and in return they tried to save her from the evil Queen!
  • Aladdin: Honor. In the begging of the movie Aladdin tells genie he will save one of his wishes to free him. When it comes time, even though Aladdin has the option to make his life perfect he still chooses to honor his word and sets him free. Your word is everything.
  • Mulan: Courage. Mulan is focused on defending her families honor and keeping her father safe from harm. She goes to war posing as the son of the family and has to keep a brave face in terrifying circumstances.
  • Lion King- Responsibility. You can't run away from your problems. Simba flees the pride after his father dies, but with him and his family gone the kingdom falls to pieces. Once he realizes how bad things are and how much he is needed (even though he is scared) he runs to the rescue and takes his rightful place.
  • Beauty and the Beast- Good vs Evil. This movie focuses on the constant battle of right and wrong. The Prince was turned into a Beast because he was quick to judge, angry and rude. He has very a quick temper but with Belles help he begins to try and balance his rage. This movie shows how you treat others even when your struggling with your inner beast.
   I absolutely LOVE me some Disney! Luckily I married a guy who doesn't mind (every now and then) watching a kids movie! haha. These movies always leave you in such a positive and inspired mood. Since they end at the happiest moment, ever, they obviously couldnt get any better, right? Well then if it cant go up, it must go down.. At the bottom of this post I have put in the  "after ever after" video by jon cozart "paint" . He re-wrote words to a few famous Disney songs and explained exactly how far down our favorite princesses and queens have fallen since their dreams came true.
If the video for both "after ever afters" does not show up here are the individual links for both.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Nerdy Girl Problems


 I have a very active imagination. I have a tendency of getting really into what ever I am reading. If its a great book, I am done for! Last night on the couch, me on my kindle and my husband on his phone, I stooped to a new low. The raw pain that these characters were going through; the loss, the desperation and the utter sorrow flowed through me and actually brought me to tears. However, when I looked around my house, I was the only one affected. It bothered me how Ryan and Kona (my dog) just sat there without a care in the world. I found myself getting mad at Ryan while he was laughing at random Vines online. How could he find such joy at a time like this. Didn't he understand how much my heart was breaking. These poor characters were falling apart and every tear they shed was another shot right through me.
Kudos to Megan Nugen Isbell because halfway through Far From Home, I was definitely loosing myself in her story. There has only ever been one other instance like this, but that wasn't in the moment of reading. I was half asleep and in a drunken stupor after my birthday. I thought I was one of the characters from Cress (Lunar Chronicles #3) and I was yelling at Ryan because we needed to get off the satellite and onto the ship before it blew up.. that was definitely interesting story to hear the next day.

Imagination has no limits- our minds can create beautiful new worlds- image from
Imagination is an amazing thing. When applied to art, people can make one of a kind masterpieces. When applied to fashion, people make the next trending design to take over the world. But when people apply imagination to books, they have the ability to create an entire new world. They are able to transport you from your everyday life to some exotic place full of adventure. It's almost magical when you give stories the opportunity to completely consume you. I love it, it's the main reason I love books. A few of my friends always ask me why I enjoy reading, how can I sit in one spot all day long and not get bored? But tell me, how is it boring when you experiencing brand new things in a brand new world. This world is great, I love my life, but once in a while it’s fun to disappear into a book and pretend I am someone else. That’s all for now. Keep your head in the clouds :)

Book Talk Tuesday- The Home Series

Every Tuesday I'm trying to focus my blog on my love of books. I will post about what I am reading, what I've read and what I want to read. Today, I am blogging about the book I am currently reading- Far From Home (The Home Series #2), and the one that came before it, Last Train Home (The Home Series #1) by Megan Nugen Isbell

Far From Home picks up six months after the first book ends. Which would have been great if I could have remembered the first book.. I pre-ordered the second book on Amazon and all of a sudden it showed up in my kindle. I started reading it thinking it was a sequel of a completely different book and got completely lost. Sometimes I feel like they should just hold all of their books and publish them at the same time. Maybe that's my netflix brain talking, but I like being able to just jump from one episode/book to another. What is this waiting nonsense??
Thankfully like most books they begin to explain things that happened in the book before, so I was able to figure out where I was. Don't get me wrong I really liked the first book, I just read too many other books in between the release date of the second.
Something I really liked about Last Train Home (The Home Series #1) was that it focused on a problem that most young and in love girls think will never happen to them. But for Riley, heart break and betrayal are headed her way.

Last Train Home (Home, #1)Riley, a 17 year old girl, moved to a new town and met a popular, gorgeous boy named Alex. Her best friend Jesse isn't sure about her new relationship, and as much as he tries to warn her, Riley is like any head over heels girl and ignores what he says. Only problem, this just so happens to be one of the times where you really should listen to the advice of those around you. A few of the popular kids made a bet with Alex that he couldn't get Riley to sleep with him by homecoming and Alex being the stupid boy that he is accepted that challenge. Riley had it all, she was in love with a guy who (she thought) loved her and her friends could do no wrong. But everything changes after one snap decision and Riley quickly learns who matters most.
After everything goes downhill she is ready to give up, she pretty much did give up, but her best friends simply wont allow it. It focuses on going through struggles and over coming them. How to take the bad times and make them better. No matter how down you may be, I hope you always have someone there who will surprise you and pick you back up. This is such a great book and I cant wait to finish reading book #2!
Well.. that's all for now

Monday Morning Dream Book- Invaded by Melissa Landers

So, today I've decided I'm going to wine and complain about a book I am pinning for but isn't out yet. I hate when you start reading a book, get consumed by it. Then they leave you on a cliff hangar for the next book and it's not coming out for another year! Invaded (Alienated #2) by Melissa Landers is just too far awayyyy! Im crying inside. I read the first one in Febraury of 2014 and now im just waiting and wishing and dreaming for time to go faster so I can snag the second one.

Alienated (Alienated, #1)Now I'm not normally an alien book reader, but in a random high school fan girl moment I caved and bought the first book and I LOVED IT! I need the second one!

What was Alienated about?
Alienated starts off when aliens called L'eihr's have already made contact, but now things are starting to chang. Four L'eihr children are being placed in different high schools across the world. Cara Sweeney (also a blogger, so you know she is cool) was hand picked to host the first L'eihr exchange studant. In exchange for him staying there she will recieve a full ride to her dream collage, not to mention her blog is about to skyrocket in readers!! Even with the plus's shes not sure how she should feel because, while humans and L'eihrs have almost identical DNA, L'ehrs show barely any emotion.Cara is taken aback by how attractive Aelyx is, but is infuratted with how cold he acts.
Once he starts attending school with her, Cara begins recieving threats from classmates and other neighbors swept up by the anti- Leihr paranoia. It gets so bad she has to rely on police escorts to and from class. When things get crazy she finds support in the last person she expected. She soon realizes that Aelyx isnt only her friend, but she has also fallen hard for him. Cara isnt the only one with secrests, Aelyx has also been hiding his true purpose of the exchange. Only problem is Aelyx realizes he shares the same feelings for Cara too late. Cara and Aelyx finds themselves stuck in the middle of a fight for their lives, as well as her planets life. What do you do when the boy you love was behind such a disaster? Can they stop it in time? What will be the consequences?
I know the answers and what happens in the first book, but they left me on such a cliff I need the second book! I mean come on, they are on each others planets! ALONE! I have waited so many months already, come onnnnnnn!

Invaded (Alienated, #2)

Little Insecure Girl in a Big Judgmental World

Fun fact, I sell Mary Kay. I love it. I love make up. Its rare that I leave my house without putting it on, and when I do, I am putting it on in the car. Ryan always make jokes about how I am dressing myself up for other people and looking for my next husband. But that's not it. The clothes I wear, the make up I apply, the look I try to present to the world isn't actually to impress the world, it's for myself. To prove to myself that I am good enough. That I am pretty enough. That I can just be enough. I care way too much about what others might think but that's because I am insecure about myself. It has nothing to do with trying to impress other guys. I will try to compare faults about myself to other random people and Ryan just laughs at me because he doesn't understand what I see when I look at myself. He loves me, he sees a beautiful strong woman and I love him for that. I wish I could be that girl he sees. One day I will but until then I use the tools I have been given (or bought.) I apply the coats of concealer to make me look even toned, the bronzer to make me look healthy, the eye shadows to make my eyes look brighter and bolder. I refer to it as "applying my face" but it would be more appropriately named "my mask" Its my way of hiding my imperfections and insecurities from this big giant judgmental world.

I have so many different idols who could take what people said about them or saw about them and shrug them off. They used what other people said as their fuel and made what society saw as wrong or imperfect and turned it into a key driver of their success. Marilyn Monroe, a gorgeous successful women, was not the size or look of today's "perfect girl". In today's standards she would be about a 6 and while things are starting to turn around a lot of people still argue that perfection is a size 2-4. Coming from a girl who happily floats around a size 8, I am definitely happy to hear one of the most beautiful women was close to my size.
I want to be like them. I want to not only not care what other people say but use it as my fuel. I know that everyone is beautiful no matter what size as long as they have a good head on their shoulders. I 100% believe that. If the most beautiful woman in the world has a hideous personality eventually she will take on the mental image you give her. Its amazing how the brain is able to do that but its true. Beauty really does matter on the inside. Even with that said I still want to see what my friends and family see. I want to see the beautiful strong woman on the outside just as much as the inside. Its an on going battle with the judgmental beast who fuels my insecurities. Its a difficult fight, its a tiring fight and it will be a long fight, but it's one I intend to win. And I will.
I know I'm not the only girl who feels this way about beauty. So to all the other girls who view themselves the same way (if you just happened to stumble across this blog) I just want to say, stay strong. People are cruel and they do it to feel better about themselves. Just remember the beauty on the outside is only as good as the beauty on the inside.
Stay happy, keep smiling. (no one like frowning lines :p)

Pumpkins on the Brain- Check out the "Teal Pumpkin Project"

This morning I got my pumpkin spice latte, I'm currently eating my roasted and salted pumpkin seeds and I am looking up ideas for how I want to carve my pumpkin.

Without fail this time of year I always go a little pumpkin crazy, but I feel like this year is topping them all. I'm starting to wonder if all of those "basic white girl" posts from Buzzfeed are true. Haha! Granted I know its not just a thing I'm into or simply a girl thing, I'm surrounded by pumpkin loving people. My best friends licence plate is a playful abbreviation that says pumpkin spice and one of my brothers is completely obsessed with pumpkins as well. I swear Kevin could list every kind of pumpkin anything and he would sound like Bubba on a shrimp tangent. It would take days!

Now onto a serious note, I came across a really neat idea people are doing this year called the "Teal Pumpkin Project".According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, finding candy treats on Halloween without the harmful allergy tricks is becoming more and more a challenge. Kids allergic to nuts have to be careful with candy bars, if they are allergic to milk they can't have chocolate, and kids allergic to soy or eggs have a frightening Halloween as well. With this project we are making things a little bit easier for them and hopefully a lot more fun! What you do is paint a pumpkin teal to let parents know that your house also offers non-food treats like whistles, stickers, bubbles, all that fun jazz and make their trick or treating a little less scary. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for spooky Halloweens, but allergies is one thing I do not play around with. Ryan and I will definitely be partaking in this project this year! If you don't want to paint a pumpkin you can also print out a flyer from this link and display it in a window or something!

Want to paint a pumpkin but don't know how?? Here's a link to wikihow that will give you step by step instructions for making your teal pumpkin as perfect as possible!

Update! I made my candy free trick or treat bags for the Teal Pumpkin Project
I am seriously way too excited about this! Now I don't expect a huge amount of kids to come banging down the door for these, but still the option to get them if they need them makes me so happy! In the bags I've included temporary tattoos, erasers, fake vampire teeth and rings! How fun!!
Happy Trick or Treating every one! I hope you have a spooktacular Halloween!

Clutsy Putsy Clumsy Girl Problems

Tutt Tutt, looks like rain!
Better take out your wellies because today is flooding over! One would think when they see outside is down pouring you would wear appropriate clothes, but no, not this girl. Instead I decided to wear a cute two layer chiffon dress, leggings and boots with broken soles. Brilliant.

So picture this, I am leaving to go to a work event in old town Warrenton. (I've only been there once.) Its down pouring, there's no parking anywhere and I am already running late, because long story short, a girl I work with is dumb. After circling the location about 13 times, I finally find parking. Yay? No, remember its raining.. a lot and I parked about a mile away from the place because all the spots were taken!
I finally reach the building after I have fallen tripped stumbled and slipped my way down the twists and turns of old town. My feet are soaked, my shoes have not only gathered rain from the downpour but have also soaked up a good amount through the cracks in the soles. I spend about 15 minutes walking around the building trying to find, well anyone, and there is no one anywhere! I FINALLY stumble across a random guy and ask him if he knows where the event is and after he walks me around for another 10 minutes, he stops and says "oh right! They changed locations because of the weather, its now at blah blah blah st." (Or at least that is what I heard being directionally challenged and all.)
As I am walking back to the car I look down and realize something is up with my skirt. The under part of the dress that is supposed to cover me is tucked into my leggings and I only have the sheer part down. That's not too bad right? I mean.. people wear leggings as pants all the time? But then again, they probably wear leggings that don't have holes in them.. Oye
At this point I am soaked and looking like a wet dog, I have puddles in my shoes, all of old town has now seen my rear, and I am running incredibly and unbelievably late. I call my office to try and get directions to where the new location is and every street they tell me to take is blocked off by police because of severe flooding. Clearly someone just does not want me to go to this event, so I give up and decide to go back to work. Do I like giving up? No, but at this point.. I think I earned the right to go back to my office and sit in the warm dry crazy place I call work. Well that's all for now, but I am sure there will be more, just you wait..


Just a Girl and Her Blog!

Who am I?
My name is Danielle. I'm in my early 20s and married to the craziest man I have ever met. I love spending time with him, going and doing what ever we want (we can still do that since we don't have kids, yet!). I love going on random road trips, going out to the movies and hanging out with my friends. but when I have time to myself I indulge in my love of books. There is no better spot than curled up on the couch with a big ol' cup of coffee and a giant warm blanket reading a great book.
Books have this amazing ability to transport you from your ordinary life to some extravagant far off place full of adventures and drama. One minute you will be sitting at your desk and the next you're volunteering as tribute to compete in competitions to the death or walking around school trying to protect your best friend (who happens to be a vampire).

What will I talk about on this blog?
Probably the same kind of crazy stuff high school girls talk about..

  • Boys- relationships, kissing, heartbreak and betrayal
  • Fantasy- give me a Vampire over a millionaire any day! I love them!
  • Random nonsense- does this one really need explaining?
  • Myself- my life, my house, my friends, my dog ( this is pretty much my diary section of the site)
  • Make up- I am obsessed with the stuff!
  • BOOKS- I mean.. this is a book blog soooo there has to be conversation about books!

I will talk about what books I've read, what books I'm reading, what books I want to read and what I thought about them. All of my posts are just for fun, so please don't take offense to anything I say (that is if anyone is even reading this! haha)

Who should read this blog?
If you like relationships (normal and fantasy) and have the mind of a high school girl then you and I are definitely on the same page!

Book Talk Tuesday- What I've Read!

Alrighty, so I am starting into this blog after I have already read a whole caboodle of books. (According to Ryan I read the same book with a different title over and over again, but that's besides the point!) I have read a bunch and they start to blur together, so here is a list of the books I have read so far. (or atleast since I got my kindle)
note: I put the first book of each series in bold!

The 5th Wave- Rick Yancey
The Infinite Sea (The 5th Wave)- Rick Yancey
Alienated- Melissa Landers
Beautiful Creatures- Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Beautiful Darkness (Beautiful Creatures 2)- Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Dream Dark (Beautiful Creatures 2.5)- Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Beautiful Chaos (Beautiful Creatures 3)- Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Beautiful Redemption (Beautiful Creatures 4)- Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Before I Fall- Lauren Oliver
The Bet- Rachel Van Dyken
The Wager (The Bet)- Rachel Van Dyken
Carter Reed- Tijan
Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles)- Marissa Meyer
Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles 2)- Marissa Meyer
Cress (The Lunar Chronicles 3)- Marissa Meyer
City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments)- Cassandra Clare
City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments 2)- Cassandra Clare
City of Glass (The Mortal Instruments 3)- Cassandra Clare
City of Fallen Angels (The Mortal Instruments 4)- Cassandra Clare
City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments 5)- Cassandra Clare
City of Heavenly Fire (The Mortal Instruments 6)- Cassandra Clare
Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices)- Cassandra Clare
Clockwork Prince (The Infernal Devices)- Cassandra Clare
Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices)- Cassandra Clare
Defiance Rising- Amy Miles
Relinquish (The Rising Trilogy 2)- Amy Miles
Vengeance (The Rising Trilogy 3)- Amy Miles
Divergent- Veronica Roth
The Transfer (Divergent 0.1)- Veronica Roth
Free Four (Divergent 1.5)- Veronica Roth
Insurgent (Divergent 2)- Veronica Roth
Allegiant (Divergent 3)- Veronica Roth
Enders Game- Orson Scott Card
Entangled: The Eater of Souls - Graham Hancock
Eve- Anna Carey
Once (An Eve Novel 2)- Anna Carey
Rise (An Eve Novel 3)- Anna Carey
The Ex Games- J.S. Cooper and Helen Cooper
The Ex Games 2- J.S. Cooper and Helen Cooper
The Ex Games 3- J.S. Cooper and Helen Cooper
Fifty Shades of Grey- E L James
Fifty Shades Darker 2- E L James
Fifty Shades Freed 3- E L James
Finding Us (Finding Series)- Megan Smith
First Ink (Wicked Ink Chronicles)- Laura Wright
Shattered Ink (Wicked Ink Chronicles 2)- Laura Wright
Flight (The Crescent Chronicles)- Alyssa Rose Ivy
Focus (The Crescent Chronicles 2)- Alyssa Rose Ivy
Found (The Crescent Chronicles 3)- Alyssa Rose Ivy
Flutter (The Discover Series, Book One)- Melissa Andrea
Forbidden (The Arotas Trilogy)- Amy Miles
Reckoning (The Arotas Trilogy 2)- Amy Miles
Redemption (The Arotas Trilogy 3)- Amy Miles
From Gods- Mary Ting
The Giver- Lois Lowry
Gathering Blue (Giver Quarter)- Lois Lowry
The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials)- Philip Pullman
The Subtle Knife (His Dark Materials)- Philip Pullman
The Host- Stephanie Meyer
The Hunger Games- Suzanne Collins
Catching Fire (The Hunger Games 2)- Suzanne Collins
Mockingjay (The Hunger Games 3)- Suzanne Collins
Hunting Lila- Sarah Alderson
Losing Lila (Hunting Lila)- Sarah Alderson
Ignite- R.J. Lewis
Burn (Ignite)- R.J. Lewis
Intertwined- Gena Showalter
Unraveled (Intertwined 2)- Gena Showalter
Twisted (Intertwined 3)- Gena Showalter
Jaded (Nirvana Series)- Kristy Feltenberger Gillespie
A Job From Hell (Ancient Legends, Book One)- Jayde Scott
Dead and Beyond (Ancient Legends 4)- Jayde Scott
Forever and Beyond (Ancient Legends 5)- Jade Scott
Shadow Blood (Ancient Legends 6)- Jayde Scott
Last Train Home (The Home Series)- Megan Nugen Isbell

Far From Home (The Home Series 2)- Megan Nugen Isbell
Carry Me Home (The Home Series3)- Megan Nugen Isbell
Lengths (Silver Strand)- Steph Campbell and Liz Reinhardt
Matched- Ally Condie
Crossed (Matched 2)- Ally Condie
Reached (Matched 3)- Ally Condie
The Maze Runner- James Dashner
The Scorch Trials (Maze Runner 2)- James Dashner
The Death Cure (Maze Runner 3)- James Dashner
Nil- Lynne Matson
Obsidian (A Lux Novel)- Jennifer L. Armentrout
Onyx (A Lux Novel 2)- Jennifer L. Armentrout
Opal (A Lux Novel 3)- Jennifer L. Armentrout
Origin (A Lux Novel 4)- Jennifer L. Armentrout
Opposition (A Lux Novel 5)- Jennifer L. Armentrout
Shadows (A Lux Novella 0.5)- Jennifer L. Armentrout
Partials- Dan Wells
Fragments (Partials 2)- Dan Wells
Ruins (Partials 3)- Dan Wells
Runes- Ednah Walters
Immortals (Runes 2)- Ednah Walters
Sanctum (Guards of the Shadowlands)- Sarah Fine
Fractured (Guards of the Shadowlands 2)- Sarah Fine
Chaos (Guards of the Shadowlands 3)- Sarah Fine
Captive: A Guard's tale from Malachi's Perspective- Sarah Fine
A Shade of Vampire- Bella Forrest
A Shade of Blood (A Shade of Vampire 2)- Bella Forrest
A Castle of Sand (A Shade of Vampire 3)- Bella Forrest
A Shadow of Light (A Shade of Vampire 4)- Bella Forrest
A Blaze of Sun (A Shade of Vampire 5)- Bella Forrest
A Gate of Night (A Shade of Vampire 6)- Bella Forrest
A Break of Day (A Shade of Vampire 7)- Bella Forrest
Significance- Shelly Crane
Accordance (Significance 2)- Shelly Crane
Defiance (Significance 3)- Shelly Crane
Independence (Significance 4)- Shelly Crane
Storm (Elemental)- Brigid Kemmerer
Spark (Elemental 2)- Brigid Kemmerer
Breathless (Elemental 2.5)- Brigid Kemmerer
Spirit (Elemental 3)- Brigid Kemmerer
Secret (Elemental 4)- Brigid Kemmerer
Sway- Jennifer Davis
Breathe (Sway)- Jennifer Davis
Sweet Evil- Wendy Higgins
Sweet Peril- Wendy Higgins
Sweet Reckoning- Wendy Higgins
Throne of Glass- Sarah J. Maas
The Assassin's Blade (Throne of Glass 0.5)- Sarah J. Maas
Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass 2)- Sarah J. Maas
Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass 3)- Sarah J. Maas
Touch (A Denazen Novel)- Jus Accardo
Toxic (A Denazen Novel 2)- Jus Accardo
Tremble (A Denazen Novel 3)- Jus Accardo
Uglies- Scott Westerfeld
Pretties (The Uglies 2)- Scott Westerfeld
Specials (The Uglies 3)- Scott Westerfeld
Extras (The Uglies 4)- Scott Westerfeld
Vampire Academy- Richelle Mead
Frostbite (A Vampire Academy Novel 2)- Richelle Mead
Shadow Kiss (A Vampire Academy Novel 3)- Richelle Mead
Blood Promise (Vampire Academy 4)- Richelle Mead
Spirit Bound (A Vampire Academy Novel 5)- Richelle Mead
Last Sacrifice (A Vampire Academy Novel 6)- Richelle Mead