Thursday, October 23, 2014

Nerdy Girl Problems


 I have a very active imagination. I have a tendency of getting really into what ever I am reading. If its a great book, I am done for! Last night on the couch, me on my kindle and my husband on his phone, I stooped to a new low. The raw pain that these characters were going through; the loss, the desperation and the utter sorrow flowed through me and actually brought me to tears. However, when I looked around my house, I was the only one affected. It bothered me how Ryan and Kona (my dog) just sat there without a care in the world. I found myself getting mad at Ryan while he was laughing at random Vines online. How could he find such joy at a time like this. Didn't he understand how much my heart was breaking. These poor characters were falling apart and every tear they shed was another shot right through me.
Kudos to Megan Nugen Isbell because halfway through Far From Home, I was definitely loosing myself in her story. There has only ever been one other instance like this, but that wasn't in the moment of reading. I was half asleep and in a drunken stupor after my birthday. I thought I was one of the characters from Cress (Lunar Chronicles #3) and I was yelling at Ryan because we needed to get off the satellite and onto the ship before it blew up.. that was definitely interesting story to hear the next day.

Imagination has no limits- our minds can create beautiful new worlds- image from
Imagination is an amazing thing. When applied to art, people can make one of a kind masterpieces. When applied to fashion, people make the next trending design to take over the world. But when people apply imagination to books, they have the ability to create an entire new world. They are able to transport you from your everyday life to some exotic place full of adventure. It's almost magical when you give stories the opportunity to completely consume you. I love it, it's the main reason I love books. A few of my friends always ask me why I enjoy reading, how can I sit in one spot all day long and not get bored? But tell me, how is it boring when you experiencing brand new things in a brand new world. This world is great, I love my life, but once in a while it’s fun to disappear into a book and pretend I am someone else. That’s all for now. Keep your head in the clouds :)

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