Thursday, October 23, 2014

Book Talk Tuesday- The Home Series

Every Tuesday I'm trying to focus my blog on my love of books. I will post about what I am reading, what I've read and what I want to read. Today, I am blogging about the book I am currently reading- Far From Home (The Home Series #2), and the one that came before it, Last Train Home (The Home Series #1) by Megan Nugen Isbell

Far From Home picks up six months after the first book ends. Which would have been great if I could have remembered the first book.. I pre-ordered the second book on Amazon and all of a sudden it showed up in my kindle. I started reading it thinking it was a sequel of a completely different book and got completely lost. Sometimes I feel like they should just hold all of their books and publish them at the same time. Maybe that's my netflix brain talking, but I like being able to just jump from one episode/book to another. What is this waiting nonsense??
Thankfully like most books they begin to explain things that happened in the book before, so I was able to figure out where I was. Don't get me wrong I really liked the first book, I just read too many other books in between the release date of the second.
Something I really liked about Last Train Home (The Home Series #1) was that it focused on a problem that most young and in love girls think will never happen to them. But for Riley, heart break and betrayal are headed her way.

Last Train Home (Home, #1)Riley, a 17 year old girl, moved to a new town and met a popular, gorgeous boy named Alex. Her best friend Jesse isn't sure about her new relationship, and as much as he tries to warn her, Riley is like any head over heels girl and ignores what he says. Only problem, this just so happens to be one of the times where you really should listen to the advice of those around you. A few of the popular kids made a bet with Alex that he couldn't get Riley to sleep with him by homecoming and Alex being the stupid boy that he is accepted that challenge. Riley had it all, she was in love with a guy who (she thought) loved her and her friends could do no wrong. But everything changes after one snap decision and Riley quickly learns who matters most.
After everything goes downhill she is ready to give up, she pretty much did give up, but her best friends simply wont allow it. It focuses on going through struggles and over coming them. How to take the bad times and make them better. No matter how down you may be, I hope you always have someone there who will surprise you and pick you back up. This is such a great book and I cant wait to finish reading book #2!
Well.. that's all for now

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