Thursday, October 23, 2014

Clutsy Putsy Clumsy Girl Problems

Tutt Tutt, looks like rain!
Better take out your wellies because today is flooding over! One would think when they see outside is down pouring you would wear appropriate clothes, but no, not this girl. Instead I decided to wear a cute two layer chiffon dress, leggings and boots with broken soles. Brilliant.

So picture this, I am leaving to go to a work event in old town Warrenton. (I've only been there once.) Its down pouring, there's no parking anywhere and I am already running late, because long story short, a girl I work with is dumb. After circling the location about 13 times, I finally find parking. Yay? No, remember its raining.. a lot and I parked about a mile away from the place because all the spots were taken!
I finally reach the building after I have fallen tripped stumbled and slipped my way down the twists and turns of old town. My feet are soaked, my shoes have not only gathered rain from the downpour but have also soaked up a good amount through the cracks in the soles. I spend about 15 minutes walking around the building trying to find, well anyone, and there is no one anywhere! I FINALLY stumble across a random guy and ask him if he knows where the event is and after he walks me around for another 10 minutes, he stops and says "oh right! They changed locations because of the weather, its now at blah blah blah st." (Or at least that is what I heard being directionally challenged and all.)
As I am walking back to the car I look down and realize something is up with my skirt. The under part of the dress that is supposed to cover me is tucked into my leggings and I only have the sheer part down. That's not too bad right? I mean.. people wear leggings as pants all the time? But then again, they probably wear leggings that don't have holes in them.. Oye
At this point I am soaked and looking like a wet dog, I have puddles in my shoes, all of old town has now seen my rear, and I am running incredibly and unbelievably late. I call my office to try and get directions to where the new location is and every street they tell me to take is blocked off by police because of severe flooding. Clearly someone just does not want me to go to this event, so I give up and decide to go back to work. Do I like giving up? No, but at this point.. I think I earned the right to go back to my office and sit in the warm dry crazy place I call work. Well that's all for now, but I am sure there will be more, just you wait..


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