Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Imperfect Series Book One

Imperfect Chemistry by Mary Frame

Imperfect Chemistry (Imperfect Series, #1)  What is it about? (good reads description)

   Lucy London puts the word genius to shame. Having obtained her PhD in microbiology by the age of twenty, she's amassed a wealth of knowledge, but one subject still eludes her-people. The pendulum of passions experienced by those around her both confuses and intrigues her, so when she's offered a grant to study emotion as a pathogen, she jumps on the opportunity. When her attempts to come up with an actual experiment quickly drop from lackluster to nonexistent, she's given a choice: figure out how to conduct a groundbreaking study on passion, or lose both the grant and her position at the university. Put on leave until she can crack the perfect proposal, she finds there's only one way she can study emotions-by experiencing them herself. Enter Jensen Walker, Lucy's neighbor and the one person on the planet she finds strangely and maddeningly appealing. Jensen's life is the stuff of campus legend, messy, emotional, complicated-in short, the perfect starting point for Lucy's study. When her tenaciousness wears him down and he consents to help her, sparks fly. To her surprise, Lucy finds herself battling with her own emotions, as foreign as they are intense. With the clock ticking on her deadline, Lucy must decide what's more important: analyzing her passions...or giving in to them?

What did I think?

This book is so refreshing, quirky and fun! I have been reading a bunch of romance novels recently, but this is such a different spin and I really enjoyed it. The writing was great and the quotes are funny! There was this one scene where Lucy has developed feelings and is experiencing "heart break"and just breaks down quoting Taylor Swift lines while laying on the floor eating ice cream. I want a friend like her, struggling to understand human emotion, genuine and adorable. This book is just cute and fun to read! I definitely recommend it!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Roomies by Lindy Zart

Roomies What is it about? (good reads description)

   Graham Malone is my roommate, my personal eye candy, the reason I get up in the morning smiling (that could be from the illicit dreams I have about him too, I suppose. Let's move on.). He's also beautiful to look at, but his heart is where his true beauty lies. Take away the exterior and the interior still shines.

I love him. I mean, I'm pretty sure I do, having never been in love before. Anyway, it seems legit.

And now his brother Blake is here, and, well, he's the complete opposite of Graham. Sarcastic, brooding, and totally available. But he's leaving soon, and Graham's the one I want. I shouldn't have to remind myself of this, right? I wouldn't have to if Blake would quit looking at me like I'm something yummy and he's starving.

Here's a toast to roomies; the ones you should never fall in love with. Or something.

What did I think? (spoilers)

It was a cute story! AND it was a good break away from all of the paranormal books I have been reading lately.

Parts of it kinda annoyed me. Both main characters are blissfully ignorant when it comes to how one another act around each other. I mean.. its beyond obvious they both like each other and yet they act stupid. Maybe that's how it is sometimes though. You really can't tell when someone is that into you.

After I got passed the idea that these characters just had no clue it was a very cute and quirky story. I really did enjoy it. It was a quick and easy read and it was just what I needed. I think I am going to look for another book similar to this before I switch back to my paranormal books.

Thats all for now

Monday, April 20, 2015

Face Sculpting

How to contour your makeup

If you can correctly contour and highlight your makeup, it will not make your face look skinnier but it will highlight some of you key attributes and give your face more dimensions.

I use seven different Mary Kay products to give different products to apply the look I am going for. I don't go extreme with the deep bronzers and white highlighters, just enough to get to add different tones. I know it sounds like a lot but when its all together if you do it right it makes your skin look flawless!

Here's what I use and how to do it:
  1. First the Base. MK CC Cream- entire face to achieve a natural looking glow.
  2. MK Concealer- just under the eyes (#1) and any pimples that need to be covered
  3. MK Mineral Powder Foundation- entire face to create a flawless base
  4. Next, the Highlight and Contouring. MK Facial Highlighting Pen- under eyes, high cheek bones (#2 and #4) However, instead of doing a moon shape as pictured, create Triangles. Picture the clown look and recreate that with a lighter shade. Also use a highlighter pen on the middle of the forehead, under eyebrows, top of nose,and middle of the chin. 
  5. MK Bronzing Powder- under cheek bones, the edges of the top of the face, and bottom of chin (#3)
  6. MK Mineral Cheek Color- Make a smile and apply along the cheek bones in an upwards diagnal stroke (#5) . I personally like the colors "shy blush" and "sparkling cider", they are less red and more of a natural blush. 
  7. Last but not least. MK Translucent Loose Powder- entire face. Set's your makeup and reduces shine.
Visit my MK Website to find the products I use!
 Thats all for now

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Book Four of the Premonition Series

Incendiary by Amy A Bartol

Incendiary (The Premonition, #4) What is it about? (good reads description)

   Cold, fine drops of rain fall softly on my cheeks as I emerge from the darkness of the ship's interior to the gray, overcast sky of the main deck. Pulling my dark pea coat tighter to my body, the wind lifts red tendrils of my hair. I walk slowly to the railing overlooking the water.

I catch my first sight of the Irish coastline; its craggy landscape makes me shiver in dread. I find it difficult to imagine now how the Gancanagh had made this their home for so long without anyone realizing it. The cold, moss-covered edifices practically scream their presence. As I study the shadows between the falling-down stone, I imagine creeping shapes of undead Faeries grasping the rock, waiting for our ship to draw nearer to their position.

Tipping my face up, I let the rain wash over me. It bathes away the frigid sweat of fear that has broken on my brow. "You don't know how fiercely beautiful you are, do you?" A quiet voice behind me asks, causing me to stiffen and fix my eyes on the rocks along the shoreline.

What did I think? (spoilers)

An aspire, a soul mate, an undead stalker, a forgotten lover, and a long lost father. Things are getting quite complicated.

There are so many new characters and side plots being introduced into this story it is crazy! But I think its a good kind of crazy! Where should I even begin. Reed is well Reed. Powerful and breathtaking. Russel is just as loveable as before but now hes stronger and more attractive. Brennus is still crazy and evil but I still have hope he will turn it around because I love the clan! And now as if those all weren't enough now there is a forgotten lover as well. Xavier was to be Evie's Aspire after she returned from this mission. She remembers nothing of him but he knows everything about her. I feel bad for him honestly. Of coarse I am rooting for reed, but that's because he has been here the whole time. Lastly, we have Evie's dad. He is beyond powerful and in charge of a majority of the angels. The one he cant control is of coarse Evie, she has her own plans and if you haven't figured it out yet by book four. She does what she wants.

 I can't wait for book five to be out. From what I have read on a bunch of different blogs I could be waiting a long time. Book four was published November 28th, 2012. But I'm crossing my fingers and hoping it will be out soon. I know Bartol doesn't want to rush the fifth book and all butttt come on. I'm dying here.

Oh we had another Angel thrown into the Mix. Russel has an Aspire he forgot about as well. Shes not just any Angel, no Anya is a Thrown (karma). Go figure!
Thats all for now

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Book Three of the Premonition Series

Indebted by Amy A Bartol

Indebted (The Premonition, #3)What is it about? (good reads description)

   I hang my head in sorrow for just a moment when I know I am truly alone. I feel like I’m going to my execution, just as he had said. Then I move forward again. I hop a fence of fieldstone and cross a field dotted with Queen Anne’s lace. Goose bumps rise on my arms as I pass the cluster of windmills that I have seen in a dream. The scent is sweet in the field though, not the scent of heat, like it had been when it was forced upon me in visions. I gaze down the hill, beyond the small, whitewashed house that I knew would be there. The church looms dark and grim with its rough-hewn, timber façade, capped by tall, oblong spires reaching to the sky. Black, ominous clouds have collected above the roofline, as if Heaven is showing me the way.

What did I think?

I've said it before, I will say it again... I LOVE THIS SERIES! Seriously I do. I know there is a lot of hate on it on good reads. but hey, like my mommy said, "you can't please everyone just focus on making yourself happy" and this book definitely did! Here's the problem I have with this series. Amy makes you like the villains! Freddie from the first book, I loved him. Then he turned out to be this giant turd. Yea that's right.. I called him a turd. It's my blog, get over it.

Now lets go to Brennus. I know he's evil and blah blah blah. I don't care. Brennus and Finn and the rest of the undead clan are amazing. They love Evie like she is their family, like she is their Queen. With all the time she spends with them in this book getting to know the characters besides the nasty sweet smell and the whole evil part she starts to love them and in turn, we the readers start to love them too. If you watch Vampire Diaries, Brennus and Finn remind me of Claus and Elijah at least their personalities and how the act together.

I'm not going to give too much away if you haven't read it, but I will say this. A part of me wants Brennus to give up on his obsession of Evie and for Evie's clan family and her family with Reed, Russell, Zee, Buns and Brownie to join up in the fight. Here's to hoping that will happen at some point. Geeze Amy stop making the characters so good!

That's all for now!

My Life With The Walter Boys

 My Life With The Walter Boys by Ali Novak

My Life With The Walter Boys
Clearly I needed a break from all of the paranormal romance books I've been reading lately, so I decided to search through my contemporary YA list until something caught my eye. That landed me on the Walter Boys.

 Here's what it is about: (goodreads description)

 My Life with the Walter Boys centers on the prim, proper, and always perfect Jackie Howard. When her world is turned upside down by tragedy, Jackie must learn to cut loose and be part of a family again.

Jackie does not like surprises. Chaos is the enemy! The best way to get her successful, busy parents to notice her is to be perfect. The perfect look, the perfect grades-the perfect daughter. And then...

Surprise #1: Jackie's family dies in a freak car accident.
Surprise #2: Jackie has to move cross-country to live with the Walters-her new guardians.
Surprise #3: The Walters have twelve sons. (Well, eleven, but Parker acts like a boy anyway)

Now Jackie must trade in her Type A personality and New York City apartment for a Colorado ranch and all the wild Walter boys who come with it. Jackie is surrounded by the enemy-loud, dirty, annoying boys who have no concept of personal space. Okay, several of the oldest guys are flat-out gorgeous. But still annoying. She's not stuck-up or boring-no matter what they say. But proving it is another matter. How can she fit in and move on when she needs to keep her parents' memory alive by living up to the promise of perfect?

 What I thought:

It was good! It was an easy read that caught you in quickly and kept you reading.There are a lot of funny moment's that you would expect to read about when a girl moves in with a family of 11 boys and 1 tom boy.

Jackie, like any high school girl stuck in a house of beautiful boys ranging from the ages 5-21 she falls hard fast. Dealing with her families accident and now being thrown into a completely foreign situation she has to figure out things fast. Out of all the 11 boys 6 of them are all in high school with Jackie and her friends. Out of those 6 boys, 2 of them are trying desperately to get her attention. Now she has to choose, does she follow her gut and steer clear of the Walter boys until she moves back to NY, does she date Alex who makes her feel safe, or does she date Cole the boy who makes her feel like living on the edge.
  • Here is Heather's (Jackie's friends) description of the boys in school with them: "all are god like just with different personalities"
    • Danny- Mysterious Brooding 
    •  Isaac- Classic Sexy Bad Boy
    •  Alex- Typical Geeky Shy Guy 
    •  Nathan- Laid Back Musician
    •  Lee- Edgy Skater
    •  Cole- Golden Boy
How is a girl to choose?? It's hard, there are times you love all the boys and there are times you hate them.  Read the book to find which way Jackie goes!
That's all for now.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Two Weeks Down!

I am still sticking with the 21 Day Fix Extreme and I love it!!! I mean come on, a week and a half in I had already lost 6 pounds. As of today, I am down another 4 putting me at total 10 pounds lost!!!

 I couldn't be happier. It a lot of work but I'm enjoying it. I will say I am not doing it 100% how I should but it still seems to be working. Heres how I am using the program:
  • Workout each morning before work. (30 minute workout is sooo much easier to fit in than a 60 minute workout)
  • Make a breakfast smoothie with 1 scoop protein powder. (mine normally include frozen strawberries, banana, almond milk, chocolate protein powder and occasionally cinnamon and/or flax seeds)
  • 5-6 small meals a day (one is my smoothie) 
    • I'm eating healthier. Less bread, pasta and cheese and a lot more salads. (not cutting out anything completely! I still need my chocolate fixes, just more controlled)
    • I'm using my containers on weekends and dumping it out onto a plate. By doing that I have a better understanding of portion control. Which helps to carry over onto weekdays when I cant lug around all the containers.
  • Instead of driving to restaurants close by (within 2 miles) my husband and I will walk to them!
That's all for now. I will let you know how it goes after this week! 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Book Two of the Premonition Series

Intuition by Amy A Bartol

Intuition (The Premonition, #2)What is it about? (good reads description)

   I don’t open my eyes so I can’t see him, but I can smell him. He thickens the air I breathe, choking me with his scent…his aroma. I shiver. I have to resist. If I’m not strong, then I will be relegated to the same fate as this predator whose sickness infects me even now. But now, I crave him and he knows that; he has been counting on my need to end the gnawing pain. How he would savor my surrender. I’m alive, but how much longer will it take until I beg him not to be?

What did I think?

I loved it! I love this series! The way Amy writes is perfect. The last author whose series of books I read were good but this series.. the drama, the chase and the fights it is all so great! I couldn't stop reading the entire time. Not to mention the sexual tension between the characters. Ah, I'm in heaven. Or no, I mean I'm in Paradise! 

   Evie is still trying to figure out what exactly she is but now the Divine angels know about her. In order to try and save the angel's that have become her family, her and Russel run. Living on their own they are trying to control their evolving while hiding from the divine, the fallen, Reed. But now there is a new foe to hide from, vampire like fairies! What?! its so crazy. Evie is a magnet for drama.
   Last time when I talked about the first book I started talking about the rank of angels. I haven't been able to figure out the exact order of ranks but I'm getting a clearer idea. Here is my latest guess from top to bottom:
  • Seraphim- Red hawk like wings (they are god's right hand, the highest of the angels)
  • Cherubim- Blue hawk like wings (Guardian to souls in paradise, keep records about sins)
  • Power Angels- Grey, green and brown hawk like wings (Soldiers/ Warriors)
  • Arch Angels- White hawk like wings (Watchers of humans)
  • Reapers- Colorful insect like wings (Reap the souls of humans. Divine reapers (butterfly wings) take them up to paradise (heaven), fallen reapers (dragonfly wings) take them down to Sheol (hell)
I have also come across a Virtue Angel and Nephilim in the book.. I am not sure where they fit into the ranking yet but here's what I do know:
  • Virtue Angel- Brown, cream and caramel owl like wings (Assists with miracles from prayers and bestows gods blessing)
  • Nephilim- White hawk like wings (half male Arch Angel and half of a human woman) Evil giant creatures with no soul. God destroyed them by creating the great flood.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Book One of the Premonition Series

Inescapable by Amy A Bartol

Inescapable (The Premonition, #1)What is it about? 

   My name is Evie Claremont and this was to be the making of me–my freshman year of college. I’d been hoping that once I’d arrived on Crestwood’s campus, the nightmare that I’ve been having would go away. It hasn’t.
   I may be an inexperienced seventeen-year-old, but I’m grounded…sane. I look for rational explanations to even the strangest circumstances. Since meeting sophomore Reed Wellington, however, nothing makes any sense. Whenever he’s near, I feel an attraction to him–a magnetic kind of force pulling me towards him. I know what you’re thinking…that sounds fairly awesome. Yeah, it would be…if he liked me, but Reed acts as if I’m the worst thing that has ever happened to Crestwood…or him. But get this, for some reason every time I turn around he’s there, barging into my life.
   What is the secret that he’s keeping from me? I’m hoping that it’s anything but what I suspect: that he’s not exactly normal…and neither am I. So, maybe Crestwood won’t be the making of me, but it could be the breaking of me. I’ve been left to wonder if the dark future my dream is foretelling is…inescapable.

What did I think?

   I loved it! Maybe it's just because I am a sucker for these kinds of books, but I have read a few paranormal romances involving angels, and I think this series it one of my favorites! (so far at least) If you liked the Twilight series or the Significance series you will probably like this series as well.

Here's what happened in the first book. Spoilers ahead.
   Evie Claremont is starting her first year Crestwood University. Upon arrival she meets her soul mate, Russel. (an adorable country boy, oh how I love my country!) She also meets Reed, a boy she can't help but be drawn too no matter how much he tries to make her leave. Thus start the love triangle. 
   Reed knows there is more to Evie than even she is aware of. He has never seen another creature like her, the only problem is he can't decide if he wants to kill her or protect her. 
   The first book is all about Evie and the beginning of her transformation. She's part human part angel, and has inhabited the best parts of both species, a divine being with a soul. Having a soul makes her a target for all angels, the good angels don't understand her and the fallen angels want what she has. She falls into a trap when her so called best friend threatens the life of Russel. Evie tries to heal him before he completely fades, but by doing so she takes on his injuries. Which leaves us with these questions.
  1. Can she heal from the life threatening injuries Russel sustained
  2. If she lives, who will she choose the angel or the soul mate
  3. If she lives, what are the consequences for saving anothers life. 
   Something I really like about this book is that it breaks up angels into different levels. Just like our military has different ranks, so do angels. Cool!
So far I have seen:
Reapers (the lowest rank for angels) 
Cherubs (I haven't seen any in the book yet, but I swear Reed mentioned them)
Archangels and Power Angels (Can't recall which was higher rank, I think Archangels are higher??)
Sepharim (The closest to god and the highest ranking angel)

Well that's all for now!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Existance Trilogy books 2 and 3

Existence (Volume 1)  So, I am going to take two books and put them into one post because.. well it's my post so I can! :p Also,I read the books back to back, so I would probably mix them up a little. I liked the books, they were easy reads and the characters were fun and easy to like! ... but and yes there is a but coming. There were a few things I really didnt like. I will explain those in a little bit, first let me tell you what the books are about.

Book Two Predestined and what its about:

Predestined (Existence) (Volume 2)  You would think after helping save her boyfriend from an eternity in Hell that things would go back to normal. Well, as normal as life can be when you can see souls and your boyfriend is Death. But for Pagan Moore, things are just getting weirder.
  The high school quarterback and reigning heartthrob, Leif Montgomery, is missing. While the town is in a frenzy of worry, Pagan is a nervous wreck for other reasons. Apparently good ‘ol Leif isn’t your average teenage boy. He isn’t even human. According to Death, Leif doesn’t have a soul. The quarterback may have skipped town but he’s still showing up in Pagan’s dreams... uninvited.
  Dank has known from the beginning Leif wasn’t human. But he hadn’t worried about a simple soulless creature. Now, he realizes he made a grave mistake. Pagan’s soul has been marked since birth as a restitution, to a spirit so dark not even Death walks near it. Dank knows saving Pagan’s soul won’t be easy but Pagan is his. And he’s already proven he’ll defy Heaven to keep her. If Hell wants a piece of him too, then bring it on.

Book Three Ceaseless and what its about:

Ceaseless   Can he make her fall in love with him… again? When Pagan Moore proved worthy of Death’s devotion, he was given the gift of getting to keep her.  But Dank was never promised that Pagan would keep him. When a soul is created, so is its mate. In every lifetime those souls find each other. They complete the other’s destiny. It’s time for Pagan’s soul to choose if she truly wants an eternity at Death’s side or if she wants the mate created just for her. Dank didn’t think he had to worry about her choice. He knew where her heart belonged. Until he realized that every kiss, every touch, every moment of their time together would be washed from her memories. He would have to win her heart all over again and prove to her soul that he was where she belonged. If only her soul’s mate wasn’t right there standing in his way.

So here's what I thought..

  They were good reads. It's so nice when you find easy reads where you love the characters. That's all great but, here's where I had a problem. Abbi Glines would have the perfect build up for something amazing and then all of a sudden it was over. There were no big fights, no edge of your seat pages turners, just "oh my gosh this is going to be horribly awesome" and then oh hey it's done. All that build up for the villains or the drama to just go away at the drop of a hat.
The love triangles that these books create are amazing! But again, you expect some kind of big blow out and it just.. resolves itself effortlessly. You're stuck hoping for something good for the other person and they just move on with their life as if they were never bothered.
I just wish it had more blow outs I guess. I like the drama and I wished these books had more.

Well, that's all for now.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Transitioning From the Cold Winter Slump

...and I'm back!

 So sorry for the time away. I had just been in some kind of strange mood where I just didn't want to do anything but eat, work, sleep and repeat. I shut out my friends, I shut out my family and I had just been a complete bum. Poor Ryan, I feel bad for him for having to deal with that nonsense. The worst part was I knew how I was acting and yet I couldn't find the drive to change it. I knew that I was being ridiculous and that just made me more upset and caused me to shut down more.

 Well I decided to make a change. I needed to get out of this funk and force myself to move, so I decided to try and focus on completing the 21 Day Fix. Today was my day 1 and so far im going strong!

This is not a diet. It is simply portion control and it comes with a great workout! They give you containers (color coded for different food groups) and a Shakeology Shaker Cup.

Explanation behind the colors:
Green- Veggies
Purple- Fruits
Red- Protiens
Yellow- Carbs
Blue- Healthy Fats
Orange- Seeds and Dressings
Shakeology Shaker Cup- Drinks

I didn't buy the Shakeology program. The DVD set that I bought just included the cup. I am using it for water and breakfast smoothies.

I really think this is going to be good for me. First off, being healthy never hurt anyone. Second off, it will give me a goal and give me something to keep my mind on instead of wondering to deep dark places. I am so ready to be out of this funk and 21 day fix will be my fix! :)


Friday, February 13, 2015

Water's importance, contribution to weight loss and preservation


What is the importance of water

Every system in your body depends on water. Your brain is made up of 95% water, your blood is 82% water and your lungs are 90%.

Not only does your system survive off it but so do plants and animals! Everything we eat in order to survive also needs it. So simply put without water, all life forms cease to exist.

How can something so small be so easily forgotten??

Mini science lesson over.

Here is a little fun fact about water and weight loss and the reason why I am bringing this up today!

If you are trying to loose weight, water is the best tool you have available to you.
Drinking two 8oz glasses of water before each meal has been proven in multiple studies to help with weight lose. Water doesn't just help before meal time, it also helps curve hunger and steer you a way from unneeded snacking.  Most people actually confuse thirst with hunger, so before you destroy that amazing bag of salty greasy potato chips, down a bottle of water instead. If you don't like plain water, try jazzing it up by adding a tea bag. If you don't like tea, you can buy flavored water. Why take in those extra calories when all you really needed was a nice glass of some cool refreshing water??

Another fun tip: try adding lemon to your water.
  1. it boosts your energy!
  2. it tastes really good! :)
(thanks Stevon for reminding me about that!)

To find out more reason's that water helps with weight loss visit webmd


Not my main focus today but still really important! Preservation!

Water covers about 71% of the planet's surface and every minute that passes by a part of that water is being polluted. There are so many different way's that water gets polluted and we can't help with all of them. Please make sure you do your part and walk the extra few steps to a trash can instead of throwing trash on the ground or in a stream. While littering isn't the biggest cause for pollution, it's definitely not helping anything.

Just incase you were curious, The Mississippi River made the top 10 list of polluted rivers around the world in 2013. Here is a link to see the other rivers on the list top 10 polluted rivers in the world

According to treehugger the top 5 reasons for water pollution are:
  •  Sewage and Fertilizer- In small quantities, it breaks down naturally and doesn't harm water at all, but in large quantities it depletes the amount of oxygen in the water. When too much oxygen is erased, the polluted area can't support sea life.
  • Acid Rain- The burning of fossil fuels releases compounds that interact with the H20 in the air, creating a modified version of the raindrop—one that includes nitric and sulfuric acid, which pollutes the water and ground that's affected by the rain. 
  • Non- point Sources- All water pollution happens in one of two ways: via non-point or point systems. Non-point pollution comes from indirect sources, like agricultural runoff, mining waste, paved roads, and industrial activity
  • The Oil Industry- From rigs that are compromised by foul weather (like those on the Gulf Coast) to barges that have accidental spills, the damage is never intentional, but it's still one of the major dangers facing clean water and marine life.
  • Heat- Discharging hot water while cooling power plants means changing the temperature of the water source, which can encourage the species density to change and alter the biology of the water. Thermal pollution, then, can be just as damaging as bacterial or sediment pollution.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Book Talk

17316770 ADD All Around.

When one book doesn't keep you're interest find another that does!

 Now don't get me wrong. I am still working on "From Deities" by Mary Ting. I think it could be a really good book and has everything there that would normally catch my interest. Something has just been up with my mood lately and I can't commit. Luckily for me my orders for Alienated and Invaded by Melissa Landers came in the mail!


What is Invaded About?

The romantic sequel to Alienated takes long-distance relationships to a new level as Cara and Aelyx long for each other from opposite ends of the universe...until a threat to both their worlds reunites them.

Cara always knew life on planet L’eihr would be an adjustment. With Aelyx, her L’eihr boyfriend, back on Earth, working to mend the broken alliance between their two planets, Cara is left to fend for herself at a new school, surrounded by hostile alien clones. Even the weird dorm pet hates her.

Things look up when Cara is appointed as human representative to a panel preparing for a human colony on L’eihr. A society melding their two cultures is a place where Cara and Aelyx could one day make a life together. But with L’eihr leaders balking at granting even the most basic freedoms, Cara begins to wonder if she could ever be happy on this planet, even with Aelyx by her side.

Meanwhile, on Earth, Aelyx, finds himself thrown into a full-scale PR campaign to improve human-L’eihr relations. Humans don’t know that their very survival depends on this alliance: only Aelyx’s people have the technology to fix the deadly contamination in the global water supply that human governments are hiding. Yet despite their upper hand, the leaders of his world suddenly seem desperate to get humans on their side, and hardly bat an eye at extremists’ multiple attempts on Aelyx’s life.

The Way clearly needs humans’ help . . . but with what? And what will they ask for in return?


I already read the first book but Melissa was having a deal for both books signed as soon as the second one went to print and I got them!!!!

 Like. That excited. No lie! lol

What do I Think?

I really liked the first book and so far the second is just as great. I am dyinggggg for Cara and Aelyx to be back together. In the first few pages ( I just got the book, haven't had a chance to read too far) They were getting ready for Aelyx to go back to Earth to mend the problems he and the other exchange L'eihr's had created. Just to make sure youre getting this. Aelyx is going to Cara's planet, Cara is going on to Aelyx's planet. What could go wrong?  Well at least Cara's brother is going to be with her. Oh! but lets throw another wrench in that plan.. Her brother is going back to Earth as well because of military orders.. so that leave's just her and a whole bunch of aliens...

I'm loving it so far! Thank you Melissa Landers for my new books!!! Can't wait to put them up in my reading nook I'm creating!!!


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Routine ADD // What I'm Doing Now

 Keeping up With Routines
OK, I started working out. Great! Starting isn't the problem keeping up with it consistently is. I took to here to write about everything I do, eat, buy, what ever. I am noticing a habit. I tend to start something, get bored and do something else. Maybe the reason nothing is working for me is because I give it a one, two try and then move on to the next idea. Granted I am working out so that's a plus and I know I need to work out different areas of my body consistently so maybe my ADD Workouts will help anyways?? I don't know. All I do know is as long as I keep moving and eating moderately healthy, I should be OK!

So, where does that put me now? What crazy workout am I attempting to establish at this current moment? HAHA. I decided forget this easy stuff that knocks the wind out of me. Who cares that I am out of shape, lets kick it into full gear! Oh yea.. I am picking up Insanity again.

I had done Insanity when I lived at my apartment a few years ago. I did it for a few months and it really helped! I stopped because well.. I am just not a fan of working out and I got to my goal weight so why continue to punish myself? haha. Oh yea, because it comes back! lol.

Here was what I did my first day back. Thanks Shaun T for kicking my butt!

First start off with the warm up. If its Insanity.. The warm up could be its own workout!!!
Second up is the fit test. Below is the move and how many I did for it.
  • Switch Kicks - 79
  • Power Squats - 24
  • Power Knees- 64 Right and 66 Left (he only does one leg, so we rewinded and did the other!)
  • Globe Jumps... I was dying soooo idk
  • Suicide Jumps - 15
  • Push ups - 20 (I apparently can't do them anymore! haha)
  • Low Plank Obliques - 24 each

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Book Talk Tuesday// From Deities

 From Deities by Mary Ting 

(Descendant Prophecies #2)

From Deities (Descendant Prophecies, #2)What was it about? 

A mysterious stranger enters Skylar’s inner circle, throwing her life out of balance. As secrets are revealed, she learns of the New Olympus; a dwelling for the descendants of the Gods. The Grand family must strive to work together with these descendants to discover the key to their rescue from the clutches of the growing evil vultures of Hades. As the threat increases, Skylar must learn to control her newfound powers before it’s too late.

What did I think?

I don't know what it is about books lately, but I have really been dragging my feet. I breezed through the first book of this series so fast. I loved it and I got hooked. I was hanging off every word written and this book... I don't know. I can't tell if I'm just not into the book, or if it's just my mood lately, but something is keeping me from going beyond the halfway mark and finishing it.

(spoilers beyond this point)

Skylar's dad is back! WHAT? The same man who left out of no where when she was a kid is back saying he loves her and wants to be apart of her life. That was a twist I wasn't expecting.  He says he left to save her, but now that he knows she is like him, he wants to help.

From Gods (Descendant Prophecies, #1)Not only is Skylar dealing with daddy issues, but her powers are evolving, and fast. I'm only just starting to scrape the surface of what is going on with her, but it sounds pretty crazy. I am hoping I will have more down time to sit and focus on this because I have faith in this book. I really do. We will see what happens!!!

here's a link to the first book of the series if you want to check it out!!

Well, that's all for now

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Women of the Otherworld Book One

Bitten by Kelley Armstrong

What was it about?
Bitten (Women of the Otherworld, #1)An erotically charged, addictive thriller from the future queen of suspense.
Living in Toronto for a year, Elena is leading the normal life she has always dreamed of, including a stable job as a journalist and a nice apartment shared with her boyfriend. As the lone female werewolf in existence, only her secret midnight prowls and her occasional inhuman cravings set her apart. Just one year ago, life was very different. Adopted by the Pack when bitten, Elena had spent years struggling with her resentment at having her life stolen away. Torn between two worlds, and overwhelmed by the new passions coursing through her body, her only option for control was to deny her awakening needs and escape.
But now the Pack has called Elena home to help them fight an alliance of renegade werewolves who are bent on exposing and annihilating the Pack. And although Elena is obliged to rejoin her "family," she vows not to be swept up in Pack life again, no matter how natural it might feel. She has made her choice. Trouble is, she's increasingly uncertain if it's the right one.
An erotically charged thriller, Bitten will awaken the voracious appetite of every reader, as the age-old battle between man and beast, between human and inhuman forces, comes to a head in one small town and within one woman's body.

What did I think?
I liked it. I was first introduced to the book from the TV show I found on Netflix. I don't know if its because I watched the show first but I think I for once liked what the did on the screen better than what they did in the book. A lot of it stays the same, the concept is all there, but the story takes different turns.  I like the twists the took in the show, though. It took  some of Elena's past and added more detail. The show made you connect more with certain characters and some of the fight scenes were more intense. But honestly both were good!
I am one of those people where even if the movie/ show is based off a book I can still give it a fare shot, so reading it reversed show then book was no different. I like both individually. I mostly listened to this book on tape on a long car ride home from a trip up to IL but the rest of it I was able to read on kindle. If you like warewolf books but are tired of the over played storylines I definitely suggest giving this book a try. It's different but it's really good!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Calorie Counting // My Fitness Pal

What am I tying now?
My Fitness Pal!
I know what you're thinking, calorie counting. BLUGH!!
But it's actually not bad! When you start it up it asks you your current weight, goal weight, age, height, sex, activity level and all that jazz. Once you have that entered it helps you find how many calories you should take in a day to achieve your goal.
   I needed this! I had tried dieting, I had tried working out but nothing worked and this app actually spells it out for how much you need. Not only that but you can get support and motivation from the app itself and your friends that have it too! How great! I am trying to loose 40 pounds. keep your fingers crossed for me!
ps. I've learned I love carbs a little too much! lol Thanks dad for passing on those Italian genes. OYE!

Learn more at- myfitnesspal.com

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Baked Apple Slices Recipie


 Lets just take a minute to talk about my favorite addiction.

I love this site! There are so many things you can find. Recipes, decoration ideas, workouts and so much more!

I found an awesome recipe for healthy baked apples that taste just as good as McDonald's apple pies! The best part... They are healthy!

They are absolutely delicious and 0pp for weight watchers! YES PLEASE! We had them for dessert with last nights dinner and I couldn't eat them fast enough. No really, I couldn't Ryan was scarfing them all down and not even giving me a chance to put my fork in the bowl!

Here's What You Do!

First Step. Grab an apple. any apple of your choosing. I used Green Apples for mine.

Second Step. Wash, Peel, Core and Slice

Third Step. For each apple used measure out
              • 1 tsp. Brown Sugar
              • Pinch of Cinnamon
              • 1/2 tsp Butter
Fourth Step. Put apple slices in a microwave safe bowl. Evenly coat the slices with the brown sugar and cinnamon mixture. Break up the butter into chunks and put over apple slices.

Fifth Step. Microwave for two minutes per apple. Stir apples every two minutes and once they are all golden brown they are done!

Sixth Step. LET THEM COOL! They will be really hot and I know you want to eat them as soon as they are done, but you need to wait! Trust me it is worth it!

billygorilly.com is the original blog that had this recipe and I had to give them a shout out and share their recipe because it's fantastic!

Quick and Easy Workout Routine.

Perfect Body 

Good Morning Lovelies! It has recently come to notice that I am a bit out of shape. No one should get winded from climbing the stairs in their own house! haha. In order to remedy this problem, I am starting a new workout to get me back into the swing of things. I am trying to do it every morning before work to get my blood pumping and give me energy for the rest of the day. For now, I am starting with just a few steps, and then once I have that under my belt I will try and step it up.

Quick and Easy Morning Workout

Ø  Mountain Climbers  -  30 Seconds

Ø  Jumping Jacks  -  1 Minute

Ø  High Knees  -  30 Seconds

Ø  Burpees  -  10

Ø  Jog in Place  -  1 Minute

Ø  Squats  -  20

Ø  Donkey Kick Leg Lifts  -  10 (Each Leg)




Tuesday, January 20, 2015

First book of the Existence Trilogy

Existence (Existence Trilogy, #1)Existence by Abbi Glines

What is it about?
Could you imagine seeing souls everywhere you go? What would you do? This is just a normal everyday occurrence for Pagan Moore. They never talk, just numbly walk around, mindlessly searching for nothing. Normally she just ignores them, but one day she meets a soul she can't ignore. He's different, this one talks! She becomes fascinated with this soul; little does she know he's not just a soul. Pagan has met death, not only has she met him but she has fallen in love.

What did I think?
I liked it but it wasn't my favorite book of all time. It was definitely an easy read. It was good for the 10 hr road trip I just took, but I don't know if I would have read it without the long car ride. With all that said I was still able to finish it on the way up to IL from VA. Once I finish the other books I am reading I will probably pick up the next of the trilogy because it ended with a big surprise and I kinda want to know what happens.

Throughout the book there is this love triangle with Pagan and her two guys. One guy gives her the perfect normal relationship she knows she should have but he will never have hear heart. The other is with death, its dangerous and leaves her with chills but she loves him completely and she knows he will always protect her. Will she hold onto a normal life with a normal boy or go with her heart and love the boy no one else can see.

Death has broken all of the rules to love her and change the fate that has been decided for her already. He has never cared for a soul before but something is different about Pagan and no matter how much he wants to keep her at arms length, in order to protect her he must remain in her life.